We develop experiences and processes tailored to your needs that drive, transcend and transform towards the well-being, effectiveness and success of your person, your team and your organization.
Work Environment Measurement
It consists of collecting valuable information through the participation, opinions and recommendations of the people who make up the organization, with the purpose of offering tools for senior management to make decisions to be a better company to work for.
Together with the management of the organization, the themes, topics and collaborators who will participate in the process are established.
This tool helps us to understand people's experience with respect to many issues related to the organization, to detect strengths, weaknesses, areas of opportunity and possible sources of internal conflict.
After the Work Environment Survey, a series of actions to be implemented are defined to resolve opportunities for improvement and consolidate strengths.
Based on systems theory and semantic analysis of the predominant discursive categories and patterns, we can diagnose work teams from various aspects of the organizational climate.
It helps to make all participants aware of the current situation of the organization/company with the idea of visualizing their ideal company and the impact they are generating with their current actions.
Identify and channel discourses and imaginaries; Quantitative and qualitative data are classified and analyzed to generate concrete intervention proposals.
It makes the company and the general management see as a company that listens to and understands its collaborators and that is in continuous improvement.
Focus Groups
The objective of a Focus Group is to gather valuable information through participation, opinions and recommendations, in order to offer clarity in the development of special skills or topics that the client requires to know that lead them to take actions to define changes in the organization.
It is a data collection technique widely used by researchers in order to obtain information about the opinion of a group of people with some attribute or situation in common about a certain product, service or experience; It can also be carried out in order to investigate people's perception of a particular topic. The focus group involves each employee in the change process.
360° evaluation
Objective: Identify strengths and learning gaps, as well as the behaviors that the person must maintain and/or develop to improve their performance.
The 360° evaluation includes the verification of competencies selected especially for each case, from the following assessment perspectives: self-assessment, boss, colleagues, collaborators, internal and external clients.
Conocer másEvaluation of the Performance of the Headquarters
This program is designed to find what the critical factors are in being a boss and discover what scale they are on. The tools that can be worked with are:
• 360° evaluation
• Focus Group
• Working environment
• Interviews
• Psychometric Studies
Application and Evaluation of psychometric studies, for different requirements, tests of cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, evaluation of leadership capacity, interests and abilities, sales, values, personality, emotional intelligence. Specialized psychometric studies according to the requested assessment, delivery of an individualized report.
Conocer másAssessment Center
Assessment of competencies through carefully selected business cases appropriate to the Client's requirements. Tool for the internal and external talent selection process, such as for skills development programs and identification of learning needs. It includes feedback on the evaluation process, delivery of an executive report on the results of the assessed competencies.
Systemic Diagnosis
The objective of a systemic diagnosis is to know how the team is currently doing among themselves, in relation to the company, its vision, with management, integration, relationship with the changes that have happened, relationship with the client, how it is each one with the equipment; Likewise, help align the entire team towards a common vision and see the best position of the company through the order of the system.
Performance evaluation
Through a formal and systematic process, the performance of personnel is evaluated to identify, review, evaluate, measure and manage the performance of human resources in organizations, in order to see if the worker is productive and if they can improve their performance. performance in the future.
The tools can be, among others:
• Assessment center
• 360° evaluation
• Focus group
• Interviews by competencies
• Nine boxes
• Deep interview
An individual in-depth interview is another data collection technique widely used by researchers in order to obtain information about the opinion of a group of people on a particular topic.
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